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3 Reasons Why Black Men like White Women
White women, like any other race, have their characteristics. But, in western culture, they are shown as the crème de la crème of women. That makes them very attractive to many black men. Here are some of the reasons why:
1. Social and economic privileges
In general, white women have more privileges than any other race of women. Their status allows them to access many opportunities that are commonly not available to other people. That molds their personality to makes them more open-minded and easy-going. Black guys perceive this as being easy and more carefree.
White ladies did not grow up dealing with " dark-skinned people expectations", including black pride and the pressure to stand out in the community as dark-skinned females have. Hence, some black men feel they can be more relaxed and freer while in a relationship with them.
2. To take economic advantage
Many white females enjoy a privileged life. In some cases, some black guys` intentions may be to get her to spend money on him with expensive gifts. When white girls are not wealthy, some still find ways to obtain economic benefits from them.
When women are too weak and have low self-esteem, some dark-skinned men might intend to use them. And, with time, the situation may scale up to violence.
3. Visual Media sources increase the value of white women
Since the beginning of time, the presence of the docile, beautiful, top of the league white women in the media has been dominant. For many years, black people were not even portrayed in programs and shows. Although it has changed for the better during the last few years, white women still dominate the scene.
As a result, the media often portrays white women as the standard of beauty. Some dark-skinned men might want to fulfill a fantasy of being with the most beautiful ladies, and others might value white girls due to media brainwashing.
Why do White Women Cheat with Black Men?
- Sex: Yes, S-E-X! In a major way. Black guys are infamous for their anatomy. Although arguably the most popular part could be the size of their penis, others mention the entire body. And they are also distinguished by their strength and endurance.
- Masculinity: Some women feel that white men are not masculine enough, and they seek new experiences with black men.
- Low self-esteem: Some people claim they cheat because of their low self-esteem. It is a common theory among people who discriminate against dark-skinned men because they consider them inferior.
- Lack of responsibility: Some women consider them inferior. Hence, they don´t consider it "real cheating". Instead, they choose to believe that their sexual adventures with them do not count in their lives.
- Rebellion: Women who are aware of the prejudice between black and white men try to rebel against it by having sex with them.
- Attention: Due to the impact of cheating in society, some women use this situation to drive attention toward them.
- Black men accept less: Black men supposedly accept less because they consider themselves inferior to their white counterparts.
- Less suspicious: Some women might believe that they will never be accused of cheating with a dark-skinned man, so they seek them in order to have a great time without the risk of being caught.
Why do White Women like Black Men?
There is no specific answer to this question. It is common to see interracial couples. People enjoy the freedom to choose who they want to be with. Some white women are attracted to his skin's blackness, the color of his eyes, or his body's shape. It would explain why some women who like black men also like white men. It is just a physical attribute.
How to Tell if a White Woman likes Black Men
When a white girl likes black men, she shows subtle yet obvious signs. Here are a few of them.
- She has black friends
- She goes where black people gather, like clubs, parties, and bars
- She may adopt some physical and lifestyle aspects of black women, such as the clothes she wears, makeup choices, hairdo, and jewelry
- She embraces black people´s culture like music, religion, food, and education
Some women may have exploratory periods where they are trying to discover who they are and what they want. Luckily, black guys are extremely clever, great flirts, and love to talk in order to discover what a woman likes or doesn't.
Pros and Cons of Dating a Black Man
- You get to explore a different culture
- You expand your dating pool of men
- You create a new circle of friends
- Facing the same discrimination that black people do
Debunking the Angry Black Woman Myth When It Comes to Dating
Although the stereotype might have been started in the 1950s, other events have been reinforcing this myth over the years. It consists of characterizing black women as moody and aggressive.
As a result, all their actions are thought to be driven by this aggressiveness. Besides the racial aspect, the stereotype also contains manly assumptions about what should be "good behavior for a woman". Overall, the patriarchal society considers that ladies must be submissive, always graceful, and weak.
And, black women are proving they are not. In many countries, black girls are heads of the family and have to deal with men´s irresponsibility. That makes them strong, but people confuse this strength with anger and bad attitudes. Nowadays, the media plays a major role in reinforcing this stereotype.