Comprehend why black men like big women

3 Reasons Why Black Men Like Fat White Women
- Black men see white women as a person who has less social and economic baggage. It makes them easier to control physically, have lower expectations, and, therefore, easier to manage.
- With a white woman, the expectation immediately becomes assimilation. With that, his objective will be to be a friend and be liked by white people. All the European aggression in the past and present are forgiven, forgotten, or overlooked as he looks to become “multicultural.”
- For some black men, they want a white woman because not only will she become his woman, but also his benefactor. He believes he can use her in ways a black woman would never permit him to. This type of man preys on “weak” women. He may even send her out on the streets to hustle to get him money. Some of them also believe that sleeping with a white female is ‘sticking it’ to the white man.
- Many things have changed over the years, but the game is still the same. The American white woman is still painted as the most coveted prize, whether in television, movies, or magazines. Many black actresses are out of work, and you’ll be lucky to see one on the television these days. On the other hand, white women are seen as multifaceted, upwardly mobile, multitasking women who can adapt to any situation.
How to Attract a Black Man
Traditionally, it is difficult for a woman to take steps in flattering a man since they are expected to be elegant and shy. However, that is no longer the case as women are now encouraged to be more aggressive. If you are seeking a black man, make sure to give him a sign. Catch his eyes and leave a strong impression that you like him, but don't be too aggressive. Do it elegantly by giving him a sweet smile. It makes a huge difference.
If you plan to go for it, and be a woman for a black man, then keep it smooth. Be patient. Letting the guy know that you are interested is enough to impress him. Don’t chase him, but let yourself be chased. Giving a sign will arouse the guy’s curiosity, and when this happens, they will do everything to get closer to you. Now, he is ready to get to know you more. Your job is to impress him with your personality and let him do his thing in starting the relationship.
Now, to successfully impress a guy, you need to know what he likes. Some black guys prefer smart women, so keep this in mind when making your move. Once you have successfully permitted him to take the first step in having a relationship, then comes the mind games. This part can be tricky, but you have to win his heart if you want that black man. Please him by knowing him and indulging him with his interests. You will have to make significant efforts here, but as long as you are patient in how you do things, you are sure to have a deeper relationship with him.
How to Make Love to a Fat Woman
Touch the Fupa
Everyone knows that the FUPA (fat upper pussy area) is the most intimidating part of a fat lady’s body. This area is barely touched. However, avoiding it makes it even more obvious that it is there. Just because you ignore something doesn’t stop it from being there.
Do you want to make love with her? Then make love with all of her! The greatest hookups are the ones that kiss her down to the kitty and grabs her belly as if it’s one of her tits. Caress and experience the whole body of this fat lady you’re having sex with. Get over yourself and hold on to the soft flesh. You’ll be surprised how hot it feels!
Stop Mentioning Skinny Girls
If you’re seeking the best words to kill a vibe, it’s these: “I’ve always wanted to fuck a fat girl” or “I prefer curves to thin girls.” A girl doesn’t feel special being told that you want her because of her body. Also, there are tons of males dreaming about being intimate with a fat girl. It’s not something special, so don’t talk regarding it and skinny girls.
Now, if you’re having sex with a person just to fulfill a fetish, you can, at the very least, tell that person regarding the fetish. It’s surprising to know that many fat women are down for being a BBW, but forcing a kink on anybody who just wants to be intimate with you is messed up.
Use Your Imagination
Making love with a fat woman will always have limitations, but that doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself. Work around those limitations and have some real fun! If your bed can’t handle it, do it on the floor. Not enough space in the shower? Finger her in the bath. There will always be a way for both of you to relish.
Trust Her
Believe in her words, and don’t make her do positions she is not comfortable with. When a fat girl says “no”, and you try to encourage her by saying “you can do it” or “I won’t be crushed”, her world will feel like it is breaking apart. She comprehends what she can and what she can’t do. Only do things she is comfortable with. Trust her; you’ll have a much better time.