Dating tips for guys: How to date a person with autism:

The autism spectrum is a complicated disorder related to development. Autistic people often suffer from a lack of social, verbal, and non-verbal skills and have trouble fitting into society. That is precisely the reason why dating a person with autism can be a challenging endeavor. Their visual thinking, above-average intelligence, and photographic memory set them apart from the rest.
If you are a guy and want to date an autistic girl, there are a few things you need to be mindful of. Firstly—and perhaps everyone ignores this—ensure that she is autistic. A girl who looks somewhat off-beat to you doesn’t necessarily mean she is autistic or an aspie. So, it would be best if you ensure that they have been diagnosed.
Once you have confirmed it, you have to be prepared for what comes next. She might be a girl who strictly follows her routine, wears essentially the same food for lunch every day, and befriends only a few (or none). She might even seem rude or arrogant. It is all part of how her personality is, and you should be conscientious enough not to try to change her in any way. After all, all humans are unique, and the same is the case for autistic or aspie persons.
Yes, we agree everyone has to change a bit for the sake of the relationship, but you have to be a little generous with your special autistic or aspie girl. After all, she matters to you the most, or why else would you be reading this list of dating advice?
Additionally, autistic women find it challenging to pick up on the flirty hints you are throwing at her. She might seem unresponsive to your attention. She might be shy. So, you need to be a little bit more explicit than you would be if you were in a relationship with a normal woman. A simple strategy is if you directly ask her. Chances are she will welcome a direct approach rather than trying to put up with subtle hints that she cannot get in the first place.
Autistic women like their solitary hours where they can focus. It would be best if you took care not to overwhelm her with attention. You don’t want to scare her away.
How to date a man with autism
What goes for dating autistic women is also true for men with autism. The autistic guy next door or work that you want to date is apparently too shy to approach you. In all likelihood, he does not have the foggiest understanding you are flirting, giving extra attention, or want to date him.
Owing to the massive bulk of social stigma around their condition, they have apparently, by now, mastered the art of blending in the society. You and they both know they are not their real selves like that. Therefore, an autistic person or an aspie must feel welcomed about their quirks and moods before they consider you as a potential dating partner.
As he will struggle to interpret your signals and cues, it’s better to make your intentions known straight-forwardly.
All this discussion should not misleadingly make you think that autistic people are somehow irresponsive to love. They might have trouble processing social information, but they can easily read your emotions. Whether it’s a man or a woman, they feel your love. They only express it differently. Be patient with them. Give them some space to get used to you. Make them comfortable with you, and then, voila! They are all yours!
Being in a relationship with a person with autism/Asperger’s:
Relationships are never easy—all the more so when the partner is autistic or with Asperger’s. However, we promise it will be smooth sailing and happy life ahead with our dating advice and tips.
As with anyone diagnosed with a medical condition, you must be cautious not to look at your dating partner through the lens of their diagnosis. You know they are more than that; make them feel like it.
Communication might be an uphill task at the start. Once you hit the right frequency, you will have to keep on track. Aspies and autistic persons love their routine. Don’t be an agent of abrupt change in their lives. Take it slow with them. And most of all: be patient, kind, and generous towards them. Once they open up to you, they will return all of your affection with even more affection, and you would not wait to start a serious relationship with them.
It is important to note that if they display their default condition (i.e., being diffident, extremely organized, quirky), they are just sincere with you. An ever-smiling face or an ever-talking mouth is somewhat out of the ordinary for autistic people. Therefore, if they are natural with you, take it as a compliment. They are indirectly showing affection to you in a distinct way.
Can a person with autism/Asperger’s have a normal relationship?
Please note that the autism spectrum is wide-ranging, and therefore people can experience mild to intense symptoms. The severity of their symptoms ultimately decides the amount of work you have to put into this relationship.
Though full relations - this is not what you may wish to only autistic person, you will have to effort everything went smoothly. You will find that their exquisite intelligence, their distinctive charm, and their uniqueness makes up for everything at the end of the day.
And who doesn’t make compromises while in a relationship? Think of being in a relationship with an autistic man or woman as an ability to explore the empathetic side of you.
Emotional attachment develops early on in conventional relationships, while it takes some time with your special aspie. There will be hard times, and you might feel misunderstood or even depressed. It is, therefore, important to also not lose track of who you are. Ensure you are not draining all of your energy.