How to date someone who is bipolar:

Abrupt mood swings and panic episodes render bipolar people a tough partner to date. The symptoms of bipolar disorder can indeed be controlled up to an extent using medications. However, there’s no denying that they can take a severe toll on romantic relationships.
Sudden mood swings might be too much for some people to put up with because people generally want a stable relationship with a predictable partner. Dating a bipolar may be emotionally draining because you never know when your partner might break down into a depressive episode. Sometimes they might feel over the moon for no particular reason at all. To cope with all of this, you need to ensure that you know your partner well and openly communicate with them. Most importantly, you must not lose track of your personal growth and development during all of this.
It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the contours of the condition your partner is suffering with. You can seek help from the doctor of your partner or even their family. You can contact them to know how your partner behaves during those mood swings and what you can do to manage them.
Apart from that, no one can give you a better account of their condition other than themselves. When they are calm, ask your bipolar boyfriend/girlfriend how you can help them during their tough times. Sometimes, amidst all the uncertainty, you have to sit with them and let them know about your needs. After all, a successful relationship depends upon the wellbeing of both the partners.
Lastly, you have to try to be generous and patient with your bipolar girlfriend/boyfriend. Their condition is challenging not only for you but for them as well. They are entirely aware of the toll their disorder takes on the people around them, and they might even feel guilty. To save them from falling into the clutches of yet another mental condition, you have to be forgiving and understanding. It can be challenging for you, but you have to remember that your frustration stems from their condition—not from them. It is important not to lose sight of the potential that your relationship has.
Being in a relationship with someone who is bipolar
Mood swings and behavioral highs and lows are characteristic features of people with bipolar disorder. Bipolar people feel elated one moment and might fall into a depressive episode the next. Because relationships are often based on predictability and expectations, it is common to find struggling couples where one of the partners has a bipolar disorder. If you are someone who is dating or in a relationship with someone who is bipolar, we understand you might be putting up with a lot. Worry not; we are here to help. Here is a list of dating and relationship advice bits and pieces for you on how to date someone with bipolar disorder.
Why do bipolar relationships fail?
The disorder can be toxic to a loving relationship. The normal partner might feel their endurance is up, and they start to think of ending things. They might feel they are not getting what they need, want, and deserve from a relationship. Although bipolar disorder, with time, becomes a shared experience, the normal partner has to contribute more than the other, which might frustrate them in the long run. However, the reality is more complicated than that, and it is not always the bipolar person who is left behind. At times, the bipolar person might feel excessively unwelcome and consider themselves a burden on their partner. Out of guilt or frustration (or both), they might end the relationship.
All relationships are complex and need effort from both partners. If a relationship is not working anymore, it sometimes becomes convenient to blame the disorder. During such time, it is crucial to redefine one’s priorities.
Owing to the mental state stemming from the disorder, bipolar partners may be more prone to infidelity. It is because of their occasional poor impulse control, hyper-sexuality, and a faulty judgment arising from the disorder. It inevitably leads to a loss of attachment and, thus, a failure of the relationship.
Whatever is the case, the breakup is challenging for both partners but all the more so for the bipolar because the sudden change may trigger their depressive episodes.
Successful bipolar relationships
Even with the highest degree of effort, the disorder can cause frustration and strain in your relationship. Don’t worry; this is not anything out of the ordinary.
Even with the highest degree of effort, the disorder can cause frustration and strain in your relationship. Don’t worry; this is not anything out of the ordinary.
And as they say: knowledge is power. The key to a happy relationship or dating with a bipolar person is to educate yourself on their condition so that you are not shocked when going through their tough times. A bonus point is that they will recognize and appreciate your efforts to learn about them, which will lend longevity to your relationship.
Ensure that you do not pin the blame for everything that goes wrong in the relationship on their condition (or, worse, on them).
That said, we have some advice for the bipolar partner as well. Being bipolar, you should strictly follow your medication plan. Openly communicate about your condition with your partner so that they are prepared. Please don’t shy away from seeking their help. Remember! They are there for you every step of the way. Therefore, make an effort to be sincere and honest with your partner and appreciate their efforts. It will give them a much-needed boost.
In conclusion, the main takeaway is that there is no hard-and-fast formula for any relationship’s success and failure. All of us go through hard times, and we all need support at some point in our lives. Dating or getting in a serious relationship with a bipolar person can be challenging, but then there is no challenge that cannot be surmounted with mutual effort and a bit of love!