Some of the Things You'll Love Dating a Black Man

Whatever the role a Black man does, from the President to your delivery man, they always walk like they own the place. Even with all the troubles of the world, they can smoothly walk across a room as if nothing could ever bother them.
Black men also have the juiciest lips, along with their gorgeous sexy smiles. They have the ability to combine words from the streets to Webster’s dictionary. When book smarts and common sense is paired with street smarts, that’s real education.
First Time Dating a Black Man
The first thing you will realize when dating a black man is how ambitious they can be. We can all relate to a person in our family who has outrageous plans to succeed in life. A black man is the same, even when the odds may be against them. It doesn’t matter if no one else believes in him. A black man’s persistence, hard work, drive, and ambition to achieve even the smallest things are the reason you will love him.
A black man treats his mother like a queen. You can expect his mom to be the most important person in his life. The best part is, the way he treats his mom gives you great insight into how he views women. If he treats his mom like a queen, it’s safe to assume he will treat you as well.
5 Do's & Don'ts of Black Men in Relationships
- DO: Randomly give an act of kindness that will surprise him.
- DO: Be yourself and stay true.
- DON’T: Expect that marriage is right around the corner because you’re dating.
- DON’T: Accuse and convict him for the crimes of your last man.
- DON’T: Go seeking a person to complete you.
How to Make Love to a Black Man
1. Set the Scene
Remember all those great intimate moments in Hollywood movies? The dimmed lights, locked doors, sensual music in the background, and scented candles. These things are not just important in movies. They work in real life too.
Plan and make sure you are properly setting the scene. Burn some scented candles, change your sheets, clean up, and make your place as inviting as possible. Imagine all those movie scenes and apply them in the real world.
2. Don’t Hesitate to Express your Devotion
On many occasions, making love happens spontaneously: after watching a romantic movie, after spending a great dinner together, or after witnessing a fantastic wedding. No matter what the trigger, making love is a great expression of intimacy, passion, and devotion for each other. No matter how spontaneous it may be, always take the time to express your love and devotion to your man. Don’t be afraid to tell him; he loves hearing how much you adore him. So, make sure you don’t have any distractions around, as it ruins the mood, and that you have plenty of time. You can also plan a romantic dinner at his favorite restaurant or prepare a meal for him when he gets home after work, leading to “spontaneous” lovemaking. Always find the time to show him that you adore him.
3. Don’t rush it. Go with the flow instead.
The same with many things, be patient and take your time. If you try and rush things, you’ll most likely end up disappointed when you wind up falling short instead of having a great intimate moment. When making love, always take your time and slow things down. A great event always requires preparation and build-up.
Foreplay is one of the first things to master to make love properly. It ensures that you’ll orgasm and enjoy yourself during this very important moment. Take your time. Go with the flow. Breathe slowly, touch every inch of his body, smell him, feel him, and memorize his entire being.
4. Work with your entire bodies
We all know how many women feel when their partner only views them as a warm, wet hole. True lovemaking can never be farther from this. If you want to make love with your partner, then do the opposite. Lovemaking is more than just the genitals both of you have an entire body to explore!
Kiss his forehead, touch his harms, and caress his chest. Connect with as much of his skin as possible.
Are Black Men Better in Bed
This question has been asked thousands of times, and the answer is never definite. The adult industry has brainwashed everyone into thinking that being black equals great lovemaking. Well, the truth is, they are the same as everybody. Some have a huge penis; some are of average size. Some are great at loving; some aren’t. You might even encounter virgins and many other factors. At the end of the day, great lovemaking depends on you and your partner. But we always believe that the best lovemaking happens when both of you love, care, and are passionate about each other. That’s why we prefer to call it “love-making.”
What do Black Guys Like
Black men long for a cheerleader. We don’t mean a sports cheerleader, but a cheerleader in life. A person who will be there to help them in failures and times of trouble. Black men have always yearned for somebody on their team. Somebody who will cheer them on even when everyone else is giving them a hard time. In general, men don’t want their partners to tell them things that they already know, like, “You messed up.” They want to hear, “It’s alright baby, you can get past this.” A cheerleader does not complain and discourage but does the opposite. If you are serious about becoming a black man’s woman, then learn how to be a cheerleader in his life.