3 Tips on How to Date a Diabetic

Have you ever dated a diabetic before? If you have, you probably comprehend that extra tender loving care is needed. If this is your first time, we have these tips to ensure that your day out is safe and fun.
1. Foods with Sugar are for later
If you know your date is diabetic, then this is the first thing you have to be sensitive to. A diabetic person usually loves and craves sugar but can’t have any. Be sensitive enough to not go for those sugary treats. It will be brutal and cruel for them to watch you gobble up those deserts. Show your love by abstaining from these foods.
2. Your Date’s Health is Not an Appropriate Topic
Your date is already actively managing their condition and does not need a reminder. Unless they already have you involved in the matter, this topic is off-limits. Their body, their choices. The best you can do is be sensitive to their health and help out as much as you’re able. Never assume their mood is caused by their condition and never tell your date what or what not to eat.
3. Having Active Dates is Best
On your first few dates, it’s best to avoid food if possible. Find a trampoline park rather than a restaurant. Don’t like trampolines? Do other activities instead, like hiking, walking tours, miniature golf, etc. Your date will be much more comfortable as a diabetic if they are not sitting around and downing food the whole date.
Diabetes 101: Things to Know When Dating a Diabetic
Fun and exciting times are what we usually imagine when we are dating. You and your date are having a great time discussing your likes and dislikes and getting to know each other. However, periodically, our date says something that may startle us. For example, they have a chronic condition – diabetes. Don’t be overwhelmed. Keep calm, and never overreact! It’s not something to worry about. So, let’s get you better prepared with these quick tips.
First, DIABETES 101: 4 things you should know:
- 1. It is NOT contagious.
- 2. It is hereditary, therefore not their fault.
- 3. Carbohydrates and, obviously, any sugar make the blood sugar go up.
- 4. If you need anything to make blood sugar go down, it is INSULIN.
What to Know About Diabetes When Dating A Diabetic
You recently met a person, funny, amazing, beautiful, and now you're dating! Wonderful news. You learn more of who they are, and you fall deep in lust with them. You also learn that they have diabetes. It bothers you, and you start worrying regarding your ‘one and only.’ Before you get overwhelmed, calm down. Don’t worry. We’ll help you take care of your special person with tips on how to care for them.
The main problem with diabetics is that their bodies cannot make insulin. Insulin is essential in processing food that we eat and regulate blood sugar levels. To get it, they either need a pump or injection (pen and needle). So always have this ready.
You might notice some monitors attached to your date’s skin. These are not props nor smoking patches. These help them stay healthy and keep track of their blood sugar levels.
- A CGM or continuous glucose monitor tracks their sugar levels day and night and sends an alert when it’s high or low.
- An insulin pump provides their body with insulin thru flexible plastic tubes throughout the day and when eating.
We don’t mean exes! We mean the extra stuff they will always carry around with them wherever they go. These are their essentials to stay safe and healthy. Some of these include:
- Pens and pen needles or pump supplies, depending on their condition
- A lancing device, test strips, and a blood glucose meter. Basically, a device that them what their blood sugar level is at. They use a pricker on their fingers and get a drop of blood onto the test strip. This then goes into the blood glucose meter to get their current blood sugar levels.
- Fast-acting sugars. It is essential in case their sugar level is low. It is either a candy, soda, juice boxes, or a glucose tablet.
They might need to get a shot of insulin or check their blood sugar levels within the day. Don’t panic; instead, assist them when able.
Are you looking to have some intimate time together? Well, not a problem. Just watch out for their blood sugar levels and make sure it doesn’t drop too low. If it does, a high sugar candy should do the trick. It will sweeten up your time together.
Alcohol is tricky as it causes blood sugar levels to be more sporadic. Pay extra attention to symptoms of low blood sugar levels whenever alcohol is involved.
How do you know if you have type 1 diabetes?
Periodically it’s hard to know if you have a condition or not, and symptoms can suddenly appear. Type 1 diabetes is one of those conditions, and its symptoms include:
- Thirstiness
- Extreme craving for food
- Frequent urination
- Weight loss
- Mood swings
- Weakness and fatigue
- Blurry vision
- Bed-wetting (for children who don’t usually wet their beds at night)
If you recognize any of these symptoms mentioned above, consult your doctor.
How to Be a Caring Boyfriend
If your diabetic girlfriend passes out, call emergency service right away. Treat the situation as if she’s experiencing hypoglycemia or ‘having a low.’ If she’s unconscious, you may need to administer emergency glucagon by using an injection or a nasal spray. If she’s conscious, make her take fast-acting glucose immediately. That’s either a candy, glucose tablet, juice box, or any other food or drink that is high in sugar and can be taken easily.
Try to better comprehend her condition by asking her regarding it, but do not ask a ton of questions. She has been taking care of herself for a while, and she probably knows what she’s doing. Appreciate and be proud of having an amazing and strong special person and support her as best as you can. Good luck and keep her healthy!